Guided by the values of openness, generosity and sharing, we work hard through our three areas of action to support young people, protect the environment and propose innovative solutions to today's challenges.

Our Founder : Pierre ANDURAND

Born in Aix-en-Provence, Pierre was imbued with a love of France, having grown up both in mainland France and in the French overseas departments and territories, on Réunion Island. A sports enthusiast from an early age, he represented France in international competitions as a member of the national junior swimming team. A graduate in Applied Mathematics from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées in Toulouse, he also holds a Master's degree in International Finance from HEC Paris.

Pierre Andurand went on to work internationally in the energy sector, first in Singapore, then in London. Today, he is recognized worldwide as one of the most successful energy investors of his generation.

Keenly aware of the major challenges threatening France and the world, and eager to learn in order to better understand the background to today's issues, he has continued to deepen his knowledge ever since, earning degrees from some of the world's most prestigious universities, including a Master's degree in Computer Science from Columbia University, a Master's degree in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics from Oxford University in England, and a Master's degree in Astrophysics from Queen Mary University of London.

As early as the spring of 2020, Pierre Andurand was one of the first analysts in the world to warn his clients and professional circles of the seriousness of the pandemic, the beginnings of which were barely understood, and of the serious implications it would inflict, up to and including global paralysis.

For over 15 years, his professional successes have been regularly reported and praised by the most prestigious titles in the national and international business press. Pierre is regularly invited to speak on television and in renowned international forums in New York, London, Paris and elsewhere.

This success at such a young age has not deterred him from his childhood dreams, nor from his ambition to give back to society and to France what has made him who he is, by leading a series of initiatives and activities dedicated to making a positive impact on his environment and promoting the human values of openness, generosity and sharing that he cherishes. 


Léopoldine Bauer

Environment Department Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

  • Hobby: wildlife photography
  • Sport: rugby, mountain hiking
  • Book: Les travailleurs de la mer, V.Hugo
    & La nuit des temps, Barjavel
  • School: Sciences-Po Paris

Margaux Gaillard

Youth Department Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

  • Hobby: theatre
  • Sport : badminton
  • Book: L’éducation Européenne, Romain Gary & Le musée de l’Innonence, Orhan Pamuk
  • School: Sciences-Po Paris

Manon Guibaud

Project Manager, Environment Department

Email: [email protected]

  • Hobbies: diving et apnea
  • Sports: yoga, sailing, swimming
  • Book: Les enfants de la liberté, Marc Levy & Le vieil homme et la mer, Ernest Hemingway
  • School : Kedge Business School

Sophie Andrieu

Environment Department and Youth Department Analyst 
 Email: [email protected]
  • Hobby : violoncelle, cuisiner
  • Sport : running 
  • Book: Le Diable, Léon Tolstoï
  • École : Neoma Business School, Politecnico Di Milano

Victor Petiniot

Environment Department and Youth Department Analyst 
Email: [email protected]
  • Hobby : musique, cinéma
  • Sport : tennis, football
  • Book: Le Joueur d’échecs, Stefan Zweig
  • École : EOST, Università Ca’ Foscari, ESCP

Alexandre Karkour

Director of the Fondation Andurand

Email: [email protected]

  • Hobbies: Travelling, reading, writing
  • Sports: Triathlon, Cycling, Skiing
  • Books: Les identités meurtrières d’Amin Maalouf, 
    Mémoires d’Hadrien de Marguerite Yourcenar,
  • Schools : Sciences-Po Paris, MBA INSEAD


Paul Clément

Ex-analyste aux Pôles Environnement et Jeunesse

Elisa de Bayser

Former Analyst in the Environment Department

Emma Lefebvre

Former Coordinator of the Environment Department


Faire rayonner nos valeurs d’engagement, d’accompagnement, de solidarité et de partage.

In numerous public debates and books published over the past decade, legitimate concerns have emerged about the current state of France and its declining place in the world. 

Growing rates of inactivity, insecurity and poverty, coupled with ever-increasing volumes of public spending and debt, augur well for difficult years and an uncertain future.

Faced with this alarming situation, it seems necessary for all those who can and wish to do so to contribute to efforts to slow France's decline and turn things around.

Pierre Andurand is one of those who, faced with this worrying situation, refuses to give up or stand idly by as a country he loves and to which he is viscerally attached goes into twilight.  

to the following e-mail address [email protected] or via the form below: