Léopoldine Bauer - Saint Malo - 2021
Léopoldine Bauer - Saint Malo - 2021


The aim of the competition is to highlight, promote and reward talented, conscientious and committed young designers.

Le concours donne lieu à une compétition suivie d’une exposition regroupant quatre catégories : 

      ⬢ Painting or drawing

      ⬢ Photography

      ⬢ Sculpture

      ⬢ Digital Creation

A prize will be awarded for each category.

A digital catalogue will be published and distributed to coincide with the exhibition.

The art pieces :

The competition will be open to one-off works, including paintings, photographs, sculptures, installations and multimedia creations, all of which will have as their common denominators respect for themes relating to the climate emergency, technicality and originality of artistic thought.

Each participant has the option of submitting up to a maximum of 3 works, only one of which will be selected by the jury in the first session to compete in the final competition. 
A participant can only compete in a maximum of two categories. He/she will then be asked to register twice, for each of the 2 works. 

Alexandre Karkour - Malte - 2023

The Prize CLIM’ART ANDURAND –CREATION & CONSCIENCEis the first figurative art competition organised by the Andurand Endowment Fund for young artists across France.

The FDD Andurand aims to support and accompany young people in France in the educational, sporting and cultural fields, as well as taking action to preserve and protect our environment.

With a total prize fund of €30,000, the CLIM'ART-ANDURAND Prize is an event designed to promote responsible artistic creation in the fields of painting, sculpture, photography and digital art, with the aim of making a lasting impact on the theme of climate change and environmental protection in contemporary art. 

The CLIM'ART ANDURAND Prize is designed to showcase the different aspects of current creative work on environmental themes. It takes the form of a thematic trail, including a competition, an exhibition and a digital reverberation.


In a world where environmental issues are of ever-increasing concern, the works must echo the ambition of the CLIM'ART ANDURAND - CREATION & CONSCIENCE Prize to bring the theme of environmental conservation into the world of art.

The CLIM'ART ANDURAND Prize invites artists to come to the aid of the same nature and environment from which they have drawn their inspiration for centuries. We are inviting artists to come to the bedside of threatened nature to extract strong, powerful messages that express the current concerns of an entire generation.

At a time when the threat of climate change is nagging at our consciences on a daily basis, how can today's artists contribute to building a world that is more respectful of nature? How does their creativity inspire us to rethink our relationship with the world around us?

The Contest Themes:

      ⬢ Preserving our marine heritage : The ocean is a major concern in the climate crisis climatique avec de grands enjeux comme l’érosion des côtes et la pollution plastique.

      ⬢ Fighting fires : Fires are on the increase in recent years années, favorisés par les dérèglements climatiques et de la sécheresse accrue.

      ⬢ Drought control : Long considered an inexhaustible resource, manque d’eau et des épisodes récurrents de sécheresse exacerbent désormais les tensions


Léopoldine Bauer - Les Pyrénées - 2022
Léopoldine Bauer - Les Pyrénées - 2022


To take part in the competition, candidates must :                

⬢  Be aged 17 to 28 years old.)..

⬢ Be students at an art school or have graduated less than 5 years ago from an artistic training course in France (at least a DNAP, a bachelor's degree in arts or any other artistic training course leading to a diploma: BEP, craftsman, training in design, graphic design, architecture, etc.).).).).s depuis moins de 5 ans d’une formation artistique en France (a minima un DNAP, un diplôme de licence en arts ou toute autre formation artistique diplômante :      BEP, artisan, formation en design, design graphique, architecture, etc…)

⬢ Present a work that is original to the exclusion of all copies and less than 3 years old.

⬢ The proposed work must not have been exhibited at a similar art prize

⬢ FDD Andurand accepts all art forms as long as they can be transported and exhibited.


Applications consist of 2 parts:


An online entry form duly completed in the name of the candidate(s).).(if group of artists).

Deadline for registration via the form : March 10th 2024

By Email:

      ⬢ A color copy of your identity document (ID card or passport)

      ⬢ A copy (or certificate) of your diploma

      ⬢ A CV or bio in PDF format (in French or English, at your convenience)

      ⬢ A photographic portrait of yourself with a resolution of 72 dpi or 1920×1080 pixels (with credits if necessary)

      ⬢ A photo or video file of your work showing it from several angles (good quality digital photos, with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi or 1920×1080 pixels, in jpeg format (with credits if necessary)

      ⬢ An anonymized text specifying your artistic approach (in French or English, at your convenience)

      ⬢ An attestation on honour, dated and signed, (See and use the document in Appendix 1), confirming that the work presented in the CLIM'ART competition is strictly exclusive to the artist submitting it, and does not include any element protected by copyright from or taken or created by another

If a person is interested in participating in the CLIM’ART Prize but has not followed artistic training, we can examine their CV and portfolio to determine their candidacy.

Files must be named as follows: Lastname_Firstname_Title

Applications must be sent electronically via a site such as WeTransfer to the address : [email protected]

For the specific rules applying to works competing in the Photography category, please ensure compliance with the rules available here.

Deadline for sending photos or videos of candidates’ works: 10 mai 2024 (avant minuit)

Léopoldine Bauer - 2019
Alexandre Karkour - Paris - 2024


With a total budget of €30,000, €500 will be awarded to each of the 20 nominees.

In addition, four prizes will be awarded:

    ⬢ A CLIM'ART ANDURAND Prize worth €5,000 for the Painting category

    ⬢ A CLIM'ART ANDURAND Prize worth €5,000 for the Sculpture category

  ⬢ A CLIM'ART ANDURAND Prize worth €5,000 for the Photography category

   ⬢ A CLIM'ART ANDURAND Prize worth €5,000 for the Digital Art category

The Jury

The jury is made up of leading figures and professionals.l).s issu.).in the artistic and creation world. 

Deliberations will take place in 2 sessions. 

1st Jury Session: end of May 2024

The criteria are as follows:

      ⬢ The aesthetic and plastic qualities of the works

      ⬢ Artistic reflection as part of a contemporary approach

      ⬢ The link with the theme of the CLIM'ART Prize: preserving the environment

      ⬢ The quality of the technical production

      ⬢ Creativity and originality

Shortlisted candidates.).s présélectionné.).by the Jury will have their work displayed at the exhibition to be held in autumn 2024.

The venue and exhibition dates will be announced shortly.

2nd Jury Session: October 2024, when the works are exhibited

The jury will examine the shortlisted works at the exhibition preview and award the prizes.